Friday, April 27, 2012

Wakanda and Freshbooks Integration Libary


Freshbooks is a cloud based way to track time, organize expenses and invoice clients.

Wakanda is an open and complete solution for all your Web and mobile business apps utilizing a NoSQL OODB and MDA.

This blog entry is to demonstrate how to integrate Freshbooks with Wakanda via Server Side JavaScript.

This demo shows:

  1. how to find the URL and Token on the Freshbook site
  2. how to convert the Token to base64 with a dummy password
  3. how to organize the SSJS following CommonJS patterns so the code can be 'require'd
  4. how to write OO javascript with inheritance and constructors - a good design pattern from John Resig
  5. how to extend OO classes and add additional behavior
  6. how to use XMLHttpRequest with Security to authenticate with Freshbooks
  7. how to parse the Freshbooks results Server Side
  8. how to process the returned responseText to XML and to JSON
  9. how to extract object instance data from the JSON object
  10. how to write a SSJS script and run it
  11. how to incorporate Unit Testing w/ assert


Here is a video showing the test script and a very brief introduction to the library:

Source code

The steps to follow are these:

1.  Create a new solution in Wakanda
2.  Unzip from into the project
     a. it should look something like (note that modules and scripts are at level w/ WebFolder)

3. Create an account in Freshbooks
4. Login and choose myAccount -> Freshbooks API

5. Copy the URL and Token and edit scripts/play.js 
    a. You don't really need the Token in play.js but it's good to have it available (maybe?)
6. Go to and enter the Token followed by ':X' which is the password.  See then click the "Convert the source data' button:

7. Copy the Base64 representation into the scripts/play.js overwriting the current value.
8. Open scripts/play.js and do Run File

Comments about the modules/freshbooks classes.

1. modules/freshbooks/base.js is a class provided by John Resig from - please read that first to understand the following
2. modules/freshbooks/HttpClient

Line 4 shows how to require the base class called base which is a Class.

Line 5 is HttpClient extending the Class base class.

The init function is provided the URL and base64 hash that is required by the Freshbooks API. They are made class attributes. A new instance of XMLHttpRequest is made each time. One thing to note is that this is an implementation that does not have the responseXML attribute available. We'll see the effect of that later.

The getTagXML is a small function I borrowed from . If you're thinking of extending what I implemented you should be aware of this library as there are some good ideas that I somewhat borrowed from. Note that it's a client side solution.

The send function Posts the data passed into the URL provided. Note that the Authorization is using the base64 hash. On line 36 the responseText is processed and then parsed on the next line to provide a Javascript object. This object will be utilized in the getData function below. Note that on 39 a check if the status of the response from Freshbooks failed. This will occur, for example, when you try to read a Client with an invalid client id. During the video this is what occurs after the destroy method (see below).

The getData function helps to extract the data from the dataObj. You should stop the debugger and look into this.dataObj to see how the data is formatted.

Line 59 shows how to export the definition using the standard CommonJS modules pattern. The reference to the HttpClient is made by the next class, Client.

 * Main XMLHttpRequest wrapper
var base=require('./Class').Class;
var HttpClient = Class.extend({
    init: function(url, base64 ){
        this.url = url;
        this.base64 = base64;
        this.xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
        //The parsed response for subclassees
        this.dataObj = {};
    //Helper functin to create XML tag
    //returns value
    getTagXML : function(tag,value){
 if(value == "" || value == null)
  return "";
 var result = "<" + tag + ">" + value 
              + "";
 return result;
    //Send the request and parse the respone
    send: function(data) {
        console.log('send: ' + data);'POST', this.url, false);
           "Basic " + this.base64);

        //Get the response and make a dataobj for 
        //subclasses to parse
        var jsonText = XmlToJSON(this.xhr.responseText,
        this.dataObj = JSON.parse(jsonText);
        if (this.dataObj.status === 'fail') {
            throw new Error(this.getData('error'));
    getData: function(element0, element1) {
        console.log('getData : ' + element0 + ':' + element1);
        if (typeof element0 === 'undefined') {
            return '';
        if (typeof element0 !== 'undefined' &&
            typeof element1 !== 'undefined') {
            return this.dataObj[element0][0][element1][0].__CDATA;
        return this.dataObj[element0][0].__CDATA;


exports.HttpClient = HttpClient;
Lines 4-5 require the necessary base classes.

Line 7 extends the HttpClient

The init function calls the super class (HttpClient) with the two parameters. It then initializes the only 3 attributes this library is addressing. Obviously this would need to be addressed to be fully functional though the design pattern may remain the same.

The setAllData function calls a helper function to get the element data from the xml.

Now the CRUD functions.

The create function creates the request content and calls the base class send. When the send returns, the data is set into the instance by calling setAllData.

The update function sends the request with the available data that this class supports. Note that the response is only a status signaling if the update occurred.

The destroy method prepares the request and calls the base class to send the content. Again, the response is a status.

 * Client 
var base = require('./Class').Class;
var HttpClient = require('./HttpClient').HttpClient;

var Client = HttpClient.extend({
     * called by constructor
    init: function(url, base64) {
        this._super(url, base64);
        this.client_id = ""; = "";
        this.username = "";
     * Common set data method
    setAllData: function() {
        this.client_id = this.getData('client','client_id'); = this.getData('client', 'email');
        this.username = this.getData('client', 'username');
     * Create instance w/ email provided
    create: function() {
        var content = '' 
         + this.getTagXML('client', 
         + '';
        this.client_id = this.getData('client_id');
     * Read instance and set all available data
    read: function() {
        var content = '' 
            + this.getTagXML('client_id', this.client_id) 
            + '';
    update: function() {
        var content = '' 
            + this.getTagXML('client', 
                 this.getTagXML('client_id', this.client_id) 
                 + this.getTagXML('email', 
          + this.getTagXML('username', this.username)) 
            + '';
     * Can't use reserved word 'delete'
    destroy: function() {
        var content = '' 
            + this.getTagXML('client_id', this.client_id) 
            + '';

exports.Client = Client;

I believe the scripts/play.js is rather simplistic and therefore is not included here. 


Thursday, April 19, 2012

Wakanda & JanRain - oAuth Social Network Authentication made easy


Wakanda and Janrain:  

Wakanda is web / desktop / mobile application development environment.

Janran empowers businesses to connect with their customers in meaningful ways.

Purpose of this blog:

Demonstrate with a sample app how to integrate Wakanda and Janrain specifically to support authentication  of users with multiple social networks and integrate with the Wakanda security system.    


Wakanda is made of 3 specific tools:

  • Wakanda Studio
    • A visual designer for your datastore and front end, as well as code editor. 
  • Wakanda Server
    • A super-rapid datastore and HTTP server, it's a home for all your app's business logic.
  • Wakanda Framework
    • Widgets and the fast, standards-based datasources that feed them.
Janrain consists of multiple products but for this demo I am only looking at one, Engage.

Basic Janrain workflow

  1. The user cames to the Wakanda website and clicks "Sign-in"
  2. A Janrain provided javascript displays a panel of social networks that the user selects one from.
  3. The user interacts with the social networks and authenticates
  4. User data is extracted by Engage
  5. Wakanda app retreives data from Engage 
  6. Optional display data to registration form
  7. Optional retreive updated data
  8. Store data to Wakanda db

Wakanda - Janrain hybrid approach

I will be creating a Users table to add the authenticated users.  It will contain where they came from (Google, PayPal, Yahoo, Twitter,etc) and update the Users table.  For each user that is in that Users table, a unique entry will be made in the Directory.addUser() with a common password. Since login via Wakanda is not surfaced, there is no problem having a password (that I know of) common in the database.  Wakanda is not doing the authentication, Janrain Engage is via the Social Networks.  Wakanda will be controlloing the Authorization.  The tables will be secured that only Users can perform the CRUD actions.

Setting up Janrain - 3 steps

Follow the steps described here.  You'll basically:
  1. Signup - there's a reasonable free account of up to 2500 users
  2. Configure the widget - what Social Networks do you want to use.  Note that not all networks provide the email - see 
  3. Get the code - a standard javascript boilerplate code will be provided.  You'll see that in the Wakanda application in the index.html file.
  4. Call the API - once the user has completed interacting w/ Janrain, you have to make API calls in Javascript to retrieve email and other information about the authenticated user.  You'll see this in the demo here too.
The Tutorial / Demo Instructions
There are only a few steps to do w/in Wakanda:
  1. Copy the javascript from janrain to the index.html source.  Be sure to include directly before the </head>
    1. Update the TOKEN field to a URL to be posted back to
    2. You'll notice that mine has a full URL - that's because Janrain needs to post to it.  My workstation is behind a firewall and on a wireless.  I use DNS2GO to expose my workstation to the web.
  2. Copy the href code snippet from janrain to somewhere in the body.
  3. Create source folder called "scripts".
    1. Add a file called bootstrap.js
    2. Use the context menu to set the Role as Bootstrap
    3. Add a file called required.js - refer to demo source 
  4. Create the allusers.html GRID
Run application and Enjoy